I didn't even know he knew what that meant! I imagine he may have learned it from Captain Feathersword? Anyways...when I yelled it, he did it. And it was funny.
He's just a funny guy that Lukas. And Landry? Well she's just a funny gal:
Oh Landry! Your excitement is priceless! ...and the look on Logan's face pretty much sums up how he felt about Buccaneer Bay. Logan is our most sensitive child.
He despises crowds, particularly
loud crowds. So you can imagine how intimidated he must have been by nearly 1,000 screaming (read: excited) kids, water falls, boats, treasure chests filling with water and pouring 100's of gallons of water on unexpectant kids, parents yelling at their youngins to "stop running", life guard whistles blowing at said running children, and cold water splashing all
over the place.
But then...
oh but then!...
He discovered the hot tub.
And then we were all pretty happy to be at Buccaneer Bay on that freezing Saturday afternoon.
And LaLa Girl got to show off her teeny weeny yellow polk-a-dot bikini.
OK. So it wasn't teeny weeny or yellow polk-a-dot. But she did get to wear her very first two piece. Complete with pig tails. Excuse me while I go and eat up my baby girl....
See all that hot tub love? Does anyone else think that this girl takes after her daddy? It's definitely the eyes and lips...and cheeks and love of hot tub.
I am always baffled by just how much love I have for these three little blessings.
Heart is melting again....
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