Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hot, Sweaty, Tired.

And they still have time to fight over something.Lukas was recovering. Trying to cool off. Rest. It was a hot day in Kentucky. And there had been lots of playing with lots of cousins...cousins that were 3 or 10 times removed. I'm not real clear on all that stuff. But there were some blood lines.Logan's a bulldozer. Even though he's a mere five years younger than his brother, he definitely has the upper hand. If he wants it. This clearly does not sit well with the oldest brother.
Lukas still has the tongue. It always makes him feel better to just stick it out there. In the end, I'm not sure who won.

Oh wait, yes I am.

I won.

Because I got to eat two pieces of Honey Bun Cake while these two little honey buns got to have it out with each other.My heart be still...and my mouth stop drooling!

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