Saturday, February 21, 2009
Another First
This is Logan's first sucker. Ever.
And I have to admit, I was kind of against the idea. I mean, dude has plenty of years ahead of him to learn all about life's little sweetnesses. I just don't think he needs to experience pure sugar so soon out of the womb! But...
We had some issues to take care of. Yesterday, at the bank, Logan was wearing all blue..and a blue jacket that said handsome on it and guess what? Yep. The gal behind the counter called him a girl. This was the last straw. And the last time anyone would refer to our strapping boy as a girl.
There they go. sniff sniff. Those beautiful, precious curls. wuaaahhhhh...
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cutest one of all? It's obvious to Logan who he thinks is the cutest one of all.
Not too sure about this whole gotta-be-still-stuff.
But just look at that sweet thing. Logan of course, not the sucker.
He handled it all so well. Not a tear was shed. And now I am pretty sure that Logan will never again eat his green beans. Nope. Not now. Now that he has discovered that there is more to life than green beans and carrots. There are watermelon flavored suckers. Life is so sweet.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Splish Splash
Logan loves bath time!
I love soapy hair.
Are you understanding just how long Logan's hair is yet? I think Snip-Its is in our very near future...
Guess who else loved his bath time?
Can you believe this little guy is about to turn six years old? Me either. Where has the time gone?
I liked soapy hair back then, too.
PS ~ I will post pictures from the big birthday party very soon...get ready!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Logan!
Please excuse the following picture you are about to see. It is my loving husband and me, very pregnant with our youngest boy.
Brace yourself for the size of my middle section...and the puffy face...and the...well, you get the idea.

I know. I know. Enormous. Huge. Uncomfortable. Heartburn.
Oh yeah, I felt it all.
But I also felt lucky. Blessed. Loved. Excited.
And to think, that was all a whole year ago.
Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I really am in constant awe at how fast the last twelve months have passed us by. And it makes me realize how easy it should be to be more patient...especially when waiting on Him! Just think about it for a moment...let's pretend that you have something really big planned for, say, next month. Or even just next week. It takes forever for that moment to arrive, doesn't it? But have a baby ( wait 9 loooong months for that big moment) and you realize how quickly it all flashes by;
Just born ~ February 12, 2008:
June 2008 ~ 4 months old:
September ~ 7 months old:
December ~ 10 months old:
February ~ Nearly one year old:
"Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don't stand a chance against you; you'll sweep them right off your doorstep." Psalm 127:3-5 (The Message)
I will forever maintain that there is no greater testament to the passing of time than a growing child.
Happy very 1st Birthday Logan Dean! You are wonderful and such a blessing to us.
Brace yourself for the size of my middle section...and the puffy face...and the...well, you get the idea.
I know. I know. Enormous. Huge. Uncomfortable. Heartburn.
Oh yeah, I felt it all.
But I also felt lucky. Blessed. Loved. Excited.
And to think, that was all a whole year ago.
Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I really am in constant awe at how fast the last twelve months have passed us by. And it makes me realize how easy it should be to be more patient...especially when waiting on Him! Just think about it for a moment...let's pretend that you have something really big planned for, say, next month. Or even just next week. It takes forever for that moment to arrive, doesn't it? But have a baby ( wait 9 loooong months for that big moment) and you realize how quickly it all flashes by;
Just born ~ February 12, 2008:

June 2008 ~ 4 months old:
September ~ 7 months old:
December ~ 10 months old:
February ~ Nearly one year old:

I will forever maintain that there is no greater testament to the passing of time than a growing child.
Happy very 1st Birthday Logan Dean! You are wonderful and such a blessing to us.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Because Lukas says so.
We spent yesterday evening with some friends from church, the Neal's. They have been blessed with four children, so this was an especially fun time for our Lukas. After dinner, the adults were sitting and visiting in the living room. A few of the kiddos were in the dining room 'making Valentine's' for various people. Well, any normal person knows that a valentine must include something a mini chocolate bar:
And not just any chocolate bar...a Hershey Chocolate bar was the choice of the wee ones. Before I go on with this post and get to the meat of it, let's just pause a moment and take note of how sweet and innocent this boy is:
This precious thing, as most of you know, just started kindergarten this year at Bell Elementary. He is very quickly learning how to read. He has already learned over 40 sight words. These are words that are to be recognized upon sight - without having to sound the word out, you just know the word when you see it. He is also very good at sounding out other words. He can work his way through an entire book, with some help with the big, long words, of course. So anyways, last night as the adults were sitting in the living room chatting, Lukas approaches my loving husband and myself and asks "is it okay if I eat this piece of candy that we are using for our Valentines?" We turn to look at our boy as he is already opening the wrapper of a mini chocolate bar. I tell him "sure, go ahead". And with the biggest smile he looks at us, looks at the wrapper and says in the most confident tone "It's one of those healthy bars, so it's good for me to eat it." And he turns and walks away. Enjoying his mini Hershey Bar. Our boy, so sweet, innocent and confident. He really believed that what he saw on that wrapper said Healthy and not:
So, I will continue to stand my ground and maintain that chocolate is indeed healthy for us...because Lukas says so.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Taking a Poll
You know this little guy:
Isn't he just the most adorable little thing ever!?
I wonder who else shared this same problem? Yep. That's our Lukas. Curls and all. But now we do this to his hair:
Just shave it. And he knows exactly how he likes is shaved. He climbs up in that chair and tells the lady "I want a 3 on top and a 2 in the back and sides." A man that knows what he wants. That's Lukas.
Now we just gotta figure out what Logan wants. Curls? Or a cut? Please help us decide!

What's the first thing you notice about him?
The big eyes? Or...was it by chance...
those precious curls upon his head?
It seems that these curls are causing our youngest boy to appear a bit At least that is what we gather from the almost daily comments about her...or she. "Oh! How beautiful is she with those curls!?" Or "She is so cute! How old is she?" Or, "Look at her! And her beautiful eyes and those curls! Oh those curls! What girl wouldn't die for curls like that!" I could go on, but poor Logan is going to develop a complex. My loving husband and I have gone back and forth about the whole ordeal. It has consumed us and every conversation between us. Really. It has. So, here I am. Blogging about it. And asking for your votes. Do we leave well enough alone or do we take the next step and let Logan experience his very first hair cut? Here's a better look at what we are dealing with:
I have these same curls. But they make me nuts and Lukas and Logan are both responsible for my thinning hair. Apparently growing babies in your womb makes other parts of your body do weird things. My hair fell out and it has yet to all come back in. But this is another issue for another blog time.
Notice that Logan is not wearing any color close to or resembling pink. Or purple. Or even yellow or minty green. Nope. He is wearing blue. And if you look at the bottom right of the above picture, you will notice the varrooom embellishment on his blue outfit. Does any of this imply to you that he is actually a she? No? OK. Good. Then we are on the same page. Oh yeah, and one more thing:
Now we just gotta figure out what Logan wants. Curls? Or a cut? Please help us decide!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Pump It Up
Saturday evening Lukas attended a birthday party that he was invited to by one of his classmates - Lila. It was held at a local fav - Pump It Up.
It's a big room full of inflatable jumping...things. It's noisy, colorful and full of kids.
Our boy had a great time and was totally spent by the time we got home.
Guess who else had a good time?
Yep. Logan had just as much fun as the big kids did. He fit right in. And, for anyone interested in what Logan might want for his birthday, take a good look at this:
He loved, and that's an understatement, the Cozy Coupe Car. He spent 80% of his time at Pump It Up in the little red and yellow car. 10% of his time was spent doing this:
Remind you of anyone?
That photo opp reminded me of Lukas - at the ripe old age of nearly a year old. He had just discovered what a beach ball was. 
So, what did Logan spend the last 10% of his time doing at Pump It Up, you ask? Well, take a look at this. Watch closely or you'll miss the wiggle wiggle followed shortly by a neat-o trick Logan does launching off his knees...
We sure did have fun. I sure do love my boys.
And I sure am glad that I get to be their mom and that they get to be brothers and have each other.
We sure did have fun. I sure do love my boys.
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