Yup...that's right. We get two spring breaks in this family. Wanna know how? Well, let me tell ya: Lukas has
his spring break from Bell. That's week one. Then...ohhhhh then! we get to enjoy another spring break with pawpa and gammie! And that will happen next week. But we can't talk about that one yet because it hasn't happened. So I am gonna blog about our
first spring break right now.

This is how we started things off. Resting up, you could call it. And it's a good thing they did because they were about to have the time of their lives!
We spent our time with some (a lot of) friends at a lake house in central Texas. It was beautiful and the weather was perfect! But not perfect enough for a dip...and the water was especially cold. However, nothing could stop them from throwing all the rocks they could handle into the lake.

Of course Logan had to give the rocks a try too.

And it didn't take Logan long to understand that rocks are not for eating.
"Here ya go mommy. I don't like the way it tastes."
Lukas loves the lake. He especially loves to fish. Well, to
cast anyways. And if you reel in too much junk or the line gets caught for too long, well, then it's not fun anymore. That's our boy. Just look at the sweetness he radiates!
OK - you ready for some more sweetness? Remember when I blogged about
how sweet life is? Well just look at this:
Ya ready?
I bet ya were not prepared for how stinkin' cute that next picture was going to be were ya? I still can't get over it!
How about that one? Notice the pinkie...Just take it all in and savor the moment. Logan sure did. There just aren't words to describe this moment. So I am going to move on.
We had a terrific vacation. It was quiet (except for all the kiddos running around), peaceful, relaxing and wonderful to be with friends. There was lots of this:
Delicious food and gatherings around the table. There was lots of this too:

And some of this:

(we did manage to finish that puzzle too, by the way)
ohhhh and there was so much of this:
Usually after a long day of this:

Yeah, that would all wear me out too!

And we had lots of fun with Popsicle sticks! Hundreds of 'em! We certainly had a great time on our spring break and of course we were all so sad it was over and time to go home. At least we have
one more spring break to look forward to and we get to anticipate the arrival of a much loved papaw and gammie!!!
I think I'll end with this:

Now, if that doesn't make ya feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, I just don't know what will!
1 comment:
REAGAN!!! I love what you posted, but I am SO sad we did not get any pictures of YOU on there!!! We will have to go back so we can fix that!!! JZ
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