Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Come Along With Us on Our Journey

Across the big wide open land of the....couch.

You see this guy? This guy loves to be on the couch. More than anything. Rough day? Just put put him up on the couch and all his cares disappear. Kinda like us adults, I suppose. Who doesn't love a good moment on the couch? But when you're a little one, the couch is a land all itself. A land just begging to be explored. So, come along with us on our journey across the couch.
Almost there...
A quick look at Pioneer Woman's recipe for today...
Momma! Come here! You gotta see this yummy looking dish she has posted today! That side explored. Lets go see what's on the other side...Ya coming? Everything looks good over here, mom! Whew! What a journey. I think I'll just sit here and rest a moment. Did you happen to notice Logan's busted lip? He suffered a little boo boo yesterday after a fall. He bit his lip pretty good. But I think it will heal nicely. Little boys tend to be pretty resilient. Especially if they work out and lift heavy weights. Like this:
Sorry about your lip Logan. I hope it's not bothering you too much. Speaking of resiliency:
This guy overcame this little boo boo from a bicycle-ride-gone-bad-moment.See, I told ya, resilient! And if ya need more proof, just ask our oldest about his little accident that resulted in him getting 'a hole in his head'. Nary a scar is left of that moment in his young life. Thank you Lord for healing.

1 comment:

aliandsander said...

Oh, the accidents that happen to kids! Lydia loves the couch too, but sometimes forgets that she can't walk off of it. And yes, though she's walking before Logan- trust me I wish it were reverse! It's cute and all, but they get into so much more trouble......